My very first colour TF. I'm
pretty proud of this one, and I'm not too sure how old it is.
Adragon2.jpg (48K) |
Fist attempt at an alien creature.
Still turned out more like a dragon.
alien.jpg (36K) |
Great idea, poorly done. A person
sticks on a collar and the obvious happens. Oops I suppose...
Collar.jpg (88K) |
Not too old, but old enough to
be put here. Self explanitory if you've seen Digimon. Digimon ©
Davdramon.jpg (48K) |
One of the few sea creature ones
I've done, and still one of the best.
Dolphin.jpg (28K) |
One of my first Anime sketches,
I still like this one.
dragon1.jpg (32K) |
Possibly the oldest dragon TF
I have. Still quite cool, a different stlye than my usual.
dragon2.jpg (36K) |
One of 2 pictures I did using
colour pencils, the effect was quite nice, but not effective in
the long run.
dragonc.jpg (68K) |
This was meant to to be a sequence
I never got around too.
DSeq.jpg (32K) |
The next frame from the sequence
to the left.
DSeq2.jpg (36K) |
First real go with Photoshop,
and it turned out nicely. Thanks to Keanon Woods for giving me this
GirlDrag.jpg (64K) |
Nice Raptor TF, one of the few
dinosaur TF's I have.
Raptor.jpg (40K) |
This one just scared me. A person
being changed via an infection. To much alien in this if you ask
RealAlien.jpg (80K) |
Really proud of this. From a
big story that i still have, pretty cool too.
sallah.jpg (32K) |
A colour version of the pict
right and up.
sallahc1.jpg (40K) |
My very first official TF. Considering
I had never done one before, this came out rather nicely.
sprawling.jpg (20K) |
This sucks a lot, but it's the
only wolf TF I have.
wolf.jpg (20K) |