Furry Cons

Furries don't like it to be alone. So we come together regularily to meet at least from time to time outside the internet. We give those meetings - if they are held more than once - more or less catching names. I want to list the cons that I've attended and those I still plan to visit.

Visited Cons

1998: Eurofurence #4 held in Heeze/NL (near Eindhoven)
1999: Eurofurence #5 held in Berlin/D
1999: Mephit Mini Con #2 held in Seeheim-Jugenheim/D (near Darmstadt)
1999: Shimaron's and Morani's HouseCon #1 held in Bonn/D
1999: Shimaron's und Morani's WolfCon held in Linz/D
2000: Mephit Mini Con 2K held in Seeheim-Jugenheim/D (near Darmstadt)
2000: Eurofurence #6 held in Göttingen/D (near Kassel) PHOTOS
2001: Mephit Mini Con #4 held in Seeheim-Jugenheim/D
2001: Eurofurence #7 held in Kirchen/D (near Siegen) PHOTOS on the EF7-Homepage
2002: Mephit Mini Con #5 held in the youth hostel upon Loreley/D (near St. Goarshausen)
2002: Eurofurence #8 held in Hilders-Oberbernhards/D (near Fulda) PHOTOS
2003: Mephit Mini Con #6 held in the youth hostel upon Loreley/D (near St. Goarshausen) PHOTOS
2003: Eurofurence #9 held on Sportareal Samopse/CZ (near Prague) PHOTOS
2004: Mephit Mini Con #7 held in the youth hostel upon Loreley/D (near St. Goarshausen) PHOTOS
2004: Eurofurence X held in the jouth hostel Biggesee/D (near Olpe) LSD-SHOW-SKRIPT

Cons yet to come

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