Monday sunrise and i'm still dead to the world
Open my eyes and scream out loud
Are we lost and what should i do?
Maybe it's time for a change
Everyday day you wake up
Every moment you look out
Every mile that you walk
Every hope you ever bought
Hold it inside your heart
It's time to prove yourself
Is this another false prophecy?
Still telling us who we have to be
Somehow i can't believe
I can't believe they'd do this to me
Don't make it worse, you had your shot now just give up
We wont change, you can't make us stop
We stand for what we believe
We don't have anything to lose
We'll fight our opressors
We learnt our lessons
We'll never stop our fight
Even if we lose it's still a war
Even if were bruised we still keep coming back
You have to stand up
You have to choose
What the fuck are you going to do?
I'll struggle on with empty hands
This is the end for you.
