Pictures and Animations I have made for the general Audience


"Was it Eat me or Drink me?" Rendered for display on the Further Confusion 2003 Homepage, I desperately tried to come up with something that would fit the Topic of the year... well thats what I came up with. Hope you get it. I am not sure I get it :)
Added: 19.11.2002

"Dragon 2.0" Well this was it. The first dragon that I designed that actually could move. Well actually it was the second dragon. The first one I completed was lost in the famous Hard Disk Crash of 1996. Well this one used bones for the first time, and it actually worked. Kinda. Not a very popular object, though.
Added: 17.11.2002

"Me" My first attempt at drawing my internet Persona after years. Drawn in 1997, so that was years from now, too :)
Added: 17.11.2002

"Havoc Emberwing" The first test render of the fearsome Macro dragon. The character is based on several Sketches by Ken Sample, who was kind enough to let me use his designs to create this sexy dragon.

Havoc Emberwing is a Character Copyright by Ken Sample.
Added: 17.11.2002

"Havoc Shoots" Havoc doing Arnie. This one was my first attempt and excercise at lip-sync speech. Okay, nowerdays I know this is rather lame, but I think I can do better now. I just need some time to actually do it :)

Havoc Emberwing is a Character Copyright by Ken Sample.
Added: 17.11.2002
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"Havoc Wants You" Ánother fine example of why it is usually a bad idea to get the attention of a big dragon like Havoc Emberwing. Okay, it might not be easy to get his attention, but once you have it, you sure wish you hadn't... or whatever :) Warning: Violent Content, Vore.
Havoc Emberwing is a Character Copyright by Ken Sample.
Added: 17.11.2002
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"Herpy New Year" The big and fearsome dragon obviously in a good mood, wishing you all a happy new 1998. Boy that was long ago :)

Havoc Emberwing is a character Copyright by Ken Sample.
Added: 17.11.2002

"Krahnos" Designed after a Sketch and the character of Krahnos, the magi Dragon. I can't thank him enough for letting me create this object.
This object is not going to be used anymore.
Added: 17.11.2002

"Lab2" The first serious attempt at creating a laboratory set for different animations. This high detailed version is quite an improvement over the first design which could hardly be seen in the according scenes anyway.
Added: 17.11.2002

"Rang's Cave" An excercise in modeling on organic objects. I created the cave I live in... or at least one room of it. Was used for only a few animations, but I was quite pleased with the results. Well my cave has changed a lot since then, so I guess I will have to recreate this sometime :)
Added: 17.11.2002

"Rang's Cave Set 2" Two more pictures of my Modeling excercise of my cave.
Added: 17.11.2002

"Raptor" The Raptor, designed after a Sketch from Kaa Starhunter. Of course this object is no match for the incredible work of Kaa, but... I tried :) The raptor is holding the sketch he was created from in his claws.
Added: 17.11.2002

"Stompy" An animation for the Macrophile / Stompophiles which I created in exchange for the story "an afternoon at 21" by Rogue. The Claw is designed after another scetch from Ken Sample.
Warning: Violent Content, gore.
Added: 17.11.2002
File (1,52 MB)

"Merry Christmas 1997" He is big and Black, and he wishes you a merry christmas. Though he propably did not understand the part with the sled... but then it was too small for him anyway it seems, so its just logical that he ate the raindeer, isn't it? Isn't it?

Havoc Emberwing is a character Copyright by Ken Sample.
Added: 17.11.2002

Created using Rangarigs Gallery Generator on 01.12.2002