
After the last words we exchanged
Turned to bitter dust and dried tears
No silence remained in my soul
Filled with haunting memories
In my dreams I understood your stance

Living is easy if lived with ease
Whatever happened in the dark ages
In the saddening fogs of yesterday
Disappeared in the glory of my new dawn
When even the blackest of birds
Can greet the sun with laughterlike song

An ethernity had passed in a second
Filled with new hardship and passion
When I dared to rip apart the curtain
Drunken, stuttering, stumbling
I revealed my soul to you
Shiveringly excited I received your answer.

Living in ease is forgetting unease easily
What happened before that doomed and blessed day
Is by chance hidden from a black bird's eyes
When his heart finds love
When past is put to rest and left behind.

In the depths of night cats are black.
A black cat gazing into the moonless dark
Green gems cutting across time
Watching from behind a bird bathing in his sun's rays
How can you be at ease with the past,
when the past is not at ease with you?


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