I think I think to much.
A theory that many people have heard of this that there is an infinite number
of universes, all different, even if it is only the path of a single electron
that makes it different. Another part of this theory is that if something is
physically possible then it will exist in one of these universes. So it is
possible that furries do actually exist in another universe somewhere, and I
would be surprised if no one else had thought of this.
But that's not what this 'essay' (for want of a better word) is about. If
furries in general exist, then individual furries do as well, namely those that
people use as characters. Which brings me to the reason I wrote this - If the
characters we have created actually exist, then did we really create them?
Perhaps we are just watching their lives through a window made by the brain.
The brain would receive information and then tell the mind the details, making it
believe it is controlling a 'character'
(something like subliminal messages, where the mind misses the information but
the brain stores it).
Taking the theory further, is it possible that we are being watched by furries
in the same manner? Or perhaps we are the characters, most furries are in some
way extraordinary. Wouldn't they want to be normal like us now and then?
Then there is the famous philosophical saying 'I think therefore I am',
basically stating that the only certain and real thing in the universe is our
own mind, everything is an illusion but our thoughts. But if our thoughts are
really the creation of some 'fictional' creature in another universe, then our
thoughts are illusion as well. But because our thoughts are the only true thing
then they couldn't be created by another. I think I think to much.
I think therefore I may be what something else thinks I am.
(Please feel free to rewrite this for me to make it more legible. Just send
me a copy when you do, and give me some credit. And don't think to hard about
this unless you can handle at least three conflicting theories.)
Joseph V Ford (aka incitatus Black)