Okay, so I'm not the artist my brother is 'cause I have to copy things (most
of the time). I should say I'm 15 talking on my sisters terms (some people
are so shallow), but I'm only 14. I go to high school and don't have to
try to be brilliant. I'm a sorta muso but I can't say so after playing in
the MacGregor Big Band. Some people have a gift I don't think I do have a
gift yet, not a really good one anyway.
Anyway there isn't a lot to say about me really if you haven't met me. At times I'm insane (runs in the family) but I can also be quite normal depending on how you define normal. I want to be a veterinarian (it took me a year to learn how to spell that) but it'll take a lot of hard work (uhhh...). I love animals and I tend to want to bring pets home a lot but I've kept myself to a minimum with a rat and a family dog. My rooster, Aidan, had to go live with a lot of hens and is a successful stud. My rat is called Karma and I'm a strong believer in some Buddhist ideals. I don't have a religion but I do believe in karma, unfortunately my rat doesn't.
I don't exactly have a favourite band and I'll listen to anything that's not to repetitive and doesn't resemble SClub7. Phat Professor Phunk were pretty awesome when I last saw them at Woodford. Basically it depends on my mood to what I listen to, Jazz and Blues are usually at the top of my list!
That's about all I can say about me so have a look at some of my pics!