An old drawing and one of the most... I'm not sure of the word.
Artistic, maybe. A slogan to go with it - 'Taking drugs, makes you a
prisoner in your own body'. I have nothing against drugs, or
drug-takers, but the school diary wanted anti-drug pics and slogans. I
never put it in tho' |
A modified version character I saw in 'Cracked' magazine. |
Eth again, looking more cheerful (Or predatory, mayhaps?) |
incitatus Black (my major char) using a combined electricity-fire
spell. (His ability to use magic comes from having sharks in his
ancestral lines, which also accounts for his black eyes and some of his
teeth. To use the spells they must be charged from their source element,
and the user must have a decent amount of training as a mage) |
Eth yet again, looking shy/flirty this time. The pose is adapted from
a picture of a cat by Norman Lindsay, an Australian artist and writer.
'The Magic Pudding' was originally written and illustrated by him. |
Okay, Eth was an easy char to draw. That's why there's so many pics of
her. Eth reclining (Snakes do feel a need to cover their upper torso
that water born sharks don't. So, really she's naked here) |