A design for a plate I did in Year 10 art. This was in the middle of
the plate and around the outside was written 'Darkness consumes us all'.
It was originally 'Don't look up' (my saying of the moment) but it was
too 'soft'. |
I was experimenting with expressions and this was one of my favourites.
I found it very interesting which of the expressions people liked best
(Overly Elated, Mildly Amused, Not Impressed, Damn Bored, Feel Pain,
Fear All or Deviant)
The splash page for a comic I was going to do involving Elca. Never
did it, tho' I may after I've finished Marl's story, and another comic
I'm doing. |
Humach 11 |
I was mucking around on the 'net the other day and happened to read
something that said insects were probably the hardest animal to
anthropomorphize. Considering the interest I had (have?) in arthropods, I
hate to give it to give it a shot. This is a wasp, the legs and lower
abdomen are missing, but I did draw them in while designing her.
Elca's parents were working on a cybernetic replacement for assassins
and this is the first working model they made. It'll be turning up in a
story I'm writing, so look for it there. |
My favourite possession at the moment is a cane knife I found buried
in the garage. It's not as cleaned up as the one inc is reflected in
here, but I'm working on it. The blade is around a foot long, the handle
a foot and a half. Only the side opposite the hook is sharp, a good
swing would go through an arm. Not that I'll use it like that.
Definitely not. *evilly lopsided grin* |