Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 10/21/02

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _                        http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly     |                    |                                         
                 |   I reckon life's  |                            };{          
  Well-trodden   | but a game, and it |                                         
   Paths...      | must seem paranoid,|  ..and besides,   Great!        Dunno.  
                 | but I always think | being paranoid   Some more    How about 
 Mere pieces to  | someone's          | doesn't mean   inappropriate  "God does 
be moved, that's |  after             | they aren't     words of      not play  
  what we are.   |  me..     Fear not!|  really after    wisdom,      dice?"    
     °.          |    `        We all |      you...       anyone?               
    .-=-.        |     .-=-.  had that|           \        |        /           
  ¸´     `¸      |   ¸´_   _`¸ feeling|            `       '       ´  ¸.-'-.¸   
  [     (¬)      |   :(¬)_(¬):  once..|              _   _   _       ¦·.¸°¸.·¦  
  `.     ´¯)     |   `.¯(_)¯.´    `   |             ó') (ö) ('ò      ¦°  ¦  °¦  
    )   (^¯      |     ) ¬ (         _| ¸,¸ ¸,¸ ¸,¸ /`\ /´\ /´\ ¸.¸ ¸¦   ¦ ° ¦.¸
 by/Jürgen       |    /     \       (ö| `"´ `"´ `"´ `"´ `"´ `"´ `"´ `¹.¸°¦°¸.¹"´
  /   Wallner    |   /       \      /´|                                 `¹´     