Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 02/28/02

 / /_  ·__ _  _ _  While I Was Away II   http://unicornandbutterfly.purrsia.com/
(_// )/(_ (_)/ / )--------------------------------------------------------------
 & Butterfly      |         There  | Maybe not, but *you*|HOURS LATER I GAVE IN.
.                 | Why  will be no|            certainly|COMICS HAD SHOWN THEIR
 `:'Heck,'''''''''| not?  unicorns | I can draw     will!| TRUE POTENTIAL TO ME.
  I could  ___¸__ | (       if you |myself unicorns    ) |----------------------
  :as well|\» ¯  || They'll  don't | anytime.      That's|Yeah, how could I've .
·.quit the|`)`-,«|| never    draw  |    (        selfish.|fought this eternal;´ 
 :: whole |<("(\ || notice,  them! | As much as      )   |_  heroic          :  
 :: thing  ¯¯¯¯¯¯ | do they?       |it is true.  And what| | battle  ..if there 
 ::   °.¸»«¸  No  |  ` ¸»«¸   ¸»«¸ |   (        about the|«|against  weren't two
 ::     .'²& way! |    $²¬,   .'³$ |Readers are  readers?|_|myself...    of us. 
·':`_'¸ ç).(     `|'¸ _).(    _².( |a myth. There    )   |         `        ´::'
  : \\_ \_/](]    |\_o)_/](] c)_/]>| ain't none!  So DRAW| };{  ¸»«¸    ¸»«¸ :; 
  :﨨¨ï/ _)/     |¨¨ï/ _)/    ¦=) |   (         yourself|      &³",    .'³$ :: 
.·'Î''(Ï`/7"\'''''|'(Ï`/7"\''''|_|'|That was  some, won't|      ).ó     ¸ì.( :: 
   ^ - ^¯       - |- ^¯       '--¹ | nasty!  you already?| (]  <[_7    °<[-} :: 
  _       -    _  |     -     _    | ¸»«¸´        `¸»«¸  | /    (=¦      ¦º) :; 