Unicorn & Butterfly - Strip from 06/01/00

  / /_  ·__ _  _ _  A Horrible Thought VIII         http://members.nextra.at/juergen.wallner/
 (_// )/(_ (_)/ / ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  & Butterfly               )             (               )                  (       Growl?  
  So, since this whole mess )  Let's just (               ) Because I really (         `     
   is all your imagination, ) agree it's a(     .d58b d58b) hope that if the (     .d58b d58b
 ^          (  what are you ) fixed-point (    d42P.`65P.`) eyes  won't move (    d42P.`65P.`
  Dunno. Can I   going to   )  number-    (    8P °od21bod) then  the  whole (    8P °od21bod
 really un-think  do now?   )  monster... (    °   8P °421) beast will  stay (    °   8P °421
   something?       /       )    \       .( Why?       °42) in place as well.(            °42
    \       (      ´   Mind )-._  `     ( (  ´   d58b   d4)       \          (      d58b   d4
     ` ,»./ (  \.«¸   if we )   )      / "( \.«¸ 8°d58o421)        ` ,»./    ( \.«¸ 8°d58o421
      {/.'\ (  /'¸\}  leave?)_)"  »><«/   ( /'¸\}  8°42137)         {/.'\    ( /"¸\}  8°42137
    _{/ /`´ (  ²´\ \}_     `)    {%~¯Z\   ( ²´\ \}_  °4213)       _{/ /`´    ( `^\ \}_  °4213
 »~( )  )   (    (  ( )~«   )   {/ \' i   (   (  ( )~«°421)    »~( )  )      ( / (  ( )~«°421
   ]/""|\  -(.   /|¯"\|   . )  {&  |\ |   (   /|¯"\|   421) .    |/""|¯7. Dare I /|¯"\|   421
  '|\ '|/ . ( .  \|  /|'   @)  `?  | ^´   (.  \|  /|'  °12)  .  '|| '|´  to look \|  ||'  °12
 . '´.@'   .(   . '  `' . »|)             (  . '  `' . »72).   . ``.@`  ' back? . '  '' . »72
  .  \|/ '  ( .     .     . )             (.     .     .  )  '  .  \|/ '  .  (.     .     .  