
Images presented on this page are instantaneous creations, summoned from the depths of my imagination by sudden happenings, nothing more, than simple sketches of a state of mind.

All is working pur-r-rfectly

Everything is just fine!


Yet again I am made to be a third in between the two. Sickly. ("Третий - лишний!")


I was trying to be a constant irritation to put a friend out of state of selfpity interlaced with arrogance.

Two felines

It was an extremely pleasant day, just the time to start purring.


An urge to lay your head on someone's shoulder.


Every once in a while a bit of praise for may-be-worth-it drawing can make Your day happy.

We have no tears

Drawn on the morning of sept. 12th, 2001.


Sometime when You can't bite Your tongue, Your words may bite back.


Carving dear image onto the walls of reality.

Impaling self

What is tearing You apart?

Torn and burning heart

My heart is Yours, even when it turning into ashes, and noone ever touches it.