Yo, this page is about me and
what I'm here for. I'm a begining anime artist and I do a little
anthromphic art on the side as a hobby. Why do I like anime so much? Why
do I wana become a perfessional? Well, anime mostly consits of science
fiction and fantasy with the addition of its action films and yes, hentais.
I prefer the animes with the science fiction and fantasy, usually when
it has comedy inside.
someday hope to do the same; I like to laugh, hey who doesn't? Well maybe
an angry boss on a rampage cause something bad happend at home. Anyway,
sit back and enjoy my art, I allways welcome fan art. Fan art for what
you ask... well theres my personal Cabbit, Chibi-ohki. Oh and be
sure to check out my comic page
Sometimes I like to combine my art, to create
something totally new and diffrent. For exsample take the picture to your
left, its a picture of a Chakat (a taur only with cat genes and human like
Don't worry, thats not all I draw, just a few
exsamples. I'll be -trying- to update my page as much as I can. Soon I'll
have all my stuff back up!
(NOTE: Go ahead and email me your button if you have one, so I can add
it and link it to your page. If you have any idea where Kevin and Kell
moved to, tell me!)
site is owned by William
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Like my web page? Send comments! Oh and you can also add this
button to your web page. Need help how? Email me. Maybe someday I'll
put my own pictures on the button instead of DBZ ^_^