Some Times II - Enduring Renewal

Some times I wandered the gloomiest desert
after the truth-exposing sun
- burning my fur
replaced my beloved night,
under which's cover I had hidden
- cozily - blindly.

Some times I remember these months
- tiredly putting on foot in front of the other,
again and again,
fatigueing and despairing as the faintest sign of hope
failed to appear at the horizont,
day after day -
as the desert is falling behind now
and I am quenching the thirst of loneliness
in a river of newfound friendship
and a soft, cool breeze dries my tears
and soothes my pain.
As I pick up my pace, I feel unknown muscles flexing beneath my pelt
and deeper inside
the wings of new emotions, thoughts, strengths
itching for their first flight.

Some times - just a moment each time -
I stop to look back and recall the ghosts of the desert
and the friends they once had used to be
such a long time ago.
Oh, so high was experience's fee!
Oh, so much did I get in return!
And so I continue my pilgrimage,
as deserts become jungles,
mountains ozeans,
and the bitterest depression
just a mere fading memory,
through the always enduring renewal
life is.



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