Human name: Verity K Linden
Were name: Sibvaria
Phenotype: Siberian tiger.
Human physical description: 5'6", brown and pink hair,
brown/sludge green eyes.
Were physical description: Usually non-morphic large
female siberian tiger. Very occasionally semi-morphic; digigrade legs,
Shifting ability: Mental, occasionally dream.
Birth place: Cambridge, England.
Home territory: Nottinghamshire, England for most of
my life, now London, England.
Dream territory: Heavily wooded mountain root. The
actual country, I couldn't tell you. This will remain literally a dream
territory, though, as tiger and girl have to co-exist, and the girl
in me could never cope with being that isolated.
Human hobbies/interests: Drawing, animal behaviour,
travelling around visiting people (when I can afford it), rollerblading,
nature religions, this our darling interweb.
Favorite were-movie: Have to admitt I've never seen
Favorite were-literature: Again, not really read any.
The fiction etc. surrounding it all just doesn't interest me.
Favorite non-were literature: Tolkien, Poppy Z Brite.
Favorite were-art: Hard to say, so many I like.
Favorite were-music: I'm sorry but... were-music?
Favorite non-were music: Humn, various. Lemon Jelly,
Vast, Treble Charger, blah, blah, etc.
Favorite mode of attack: If you mean in visualisations,
ah, the wonder of camoflage. Get as close as possible before striking.
Favorite prey: In visualisations again, deer. No question.
My dislikes: Insomnia, corned beef, and the human capacity
for cruelty.
My thoughts towards vampires: *Waves to the few she
knows* Nothing to say, really.
Favorite mythical animal/creature: Pegasus, angels.
Favorite non-mythical animal/creature: Tiger. Big shock
Personal philosophy: While ever there's someone better
than you, you're not good enough.
Personal therianthropy:That's always a hard one really.
How do you put these sorts of things into words?
I don't feel I have the soul of a tiger, or that my soul is part human,
part tiger. I feel like I actually have both, whole and complete, but
not totally seperate. A kind of intangiable link. So intangiable, in
fact, that I often feel that is I didn't make such an effort to keep
the two consolidated, I'd have a war on my hands. Whoever 'I' was.
I'm fortunate in that I've never had problems with uncontrolled mental
shifts in public places, but I think that may have something to do with
the fact the public in general repulses my tiger side. The more people
I have around me, the more human I feel, the tiger side being at it's
strongest when I'm either alone or sometimes when I'm in company I really