web-interface to your mailbox
If you don't have a POP-mailer but an SSL-capable web-browser (almost all are) you can access your mailbox Webmail. There is no link to avoid spam-access and other nasty things. The first time your browser will ask you if you accept the server-certificate, because we are not up to pay for a commercial one. We hope you understand this; just click "accept" or "ok" or whatever your browser offers you. The web-interface is called NOCC. Login with your mailbox-password and enjoy. We hope the thingy is easy enough so you can handle it w/o much documentation.
server-names, account-names, passwords and URLs
you can connect via ssh, ftp and pop3 to tigress.com (yes, the server name is ALWAYS just tigress.com). If your username is foo your URL is http://www.tigress.com/foo/ and your mail-adress is foo@tigress.com . You can ask for an alias, if we had to shorten your nick. E.g your prefered name is foobar, we can add that as an alias. Your account name is still foo then, but your URL is http://www.tigress.com/foobar/ and your mail-adress is foobar@tigress.com . In that case, always use the aliases when telling someone your URL or mail-adress. Your account-name (user-name) is always the same ("foo" in our example) and the password is always the same for all our services (ssh, ftp and pop3). So if you changed it you have to use the changed password for all other services as well. You can use tigress as outgoing mail server (SMTP) for several minutes after you polled with POP3. Thats called "SMTP after POP".
main-page access
Place the main page of your WWW-site in your home directory and name it index.html or index.shtml if you use server side includes SSI. If you are a new member you can just delete or overwrite the "unready-index.shtml". At the moment some other names are supported, but to get the configuration of our web server straight forward this will not last forever. If you don't do this, at some time a ftp like directory-listing will appear instead of your homepage at your URL... Because tigress is a multiview server decide wisely about using the filename index.* more than once in a directory. If someone links to that directory, the server decides which index.* matches the client's needs best. To put it in other words: Filenames starting with index. are reserved for the main-page itself!
If you use them you have to decide, if they should have their own main-page or if they should appear as a ftp like dir-listing again (see above). Because tigress provides only restricted access to ssh, you can not add softlinks in sub-dirs. So put all your language-multiviews in your main-dir.
If you link to a page "below" use relative links, these begin without / . If you link to a page "above" use absolute links, starting with a / . Think twice before using .. in links! Because tigress is a "multiview" server, you can leave out suffixes of file-names. E.g. if the filename is picture.gif you can link to picture . If there is more than one file-name starting with picture. the server chooses the one that matches the client's needs best.
file types
In WWW the type of a file is determined by it's MIME type. The server looks at the suffix (ending) of the file-name; that is the part after the last "." Then it look it up in a file called mime.types to get the name of the mime-type and sends this information to the client (Browser). The client looks it up in a list, where every known mime-type an action is assigned. The most common suffix in WWW for example is html, thats the mime-type text/html which is assigned to view with browser. You can get a list of all the supported mime-types and suffixes here. If you need another suffix to be supported write a email.
again: tigress is a multiview-server. So you can add additional language-suffixes to your files to specify their content-language. E.g. if you designed your main-page in french and english you name them index.shtml.fr and index.shtml.en . Its recommended always to have an english page. Then you add a softlink to your english page: ln -s index.shtml.en index.shtml. Thats just for the case a client asks for some languages, but especially not for the languages you provide; its just the default case if nothing else helps. Because tigress provides only restricted access to ssh, you can not add softlinks in sub-dirs. So put all your language-multiviews in your main-dir. The language-codes we support are: en, de, fr, da, el, it, nl, hr, sv, es. If you need others, just ask.
Remember this site is a web-space-site in the first manner. Although you can store your E-Mail and put other data here, all the data stored here is virtually public. So don't put personal or secret data at this site! A simple protection for files which should not be easily accessable is to put an default index.html in every sub-directory.
get linked
When you get linked by another site, prefer a link to your main-page without a sub-dir or file-name. That assures that the link remains intact even when you change your file- or subdir-structure.
logging in by ftp is done with the same account-name and password as for polling mail (POP3). Every common user or ftp-feature of a html-content-managing tool should do nicely if configured correctly.
logging in done with the same account-name and password as for polling mail (POP3). If your account is 'john' on UNIX you can just type ssh -l john tigress.com to log in. On Windows you can install a cygwin-environment to get a console-ssh. This brings you loads of other nice UNIX-features, GNU-tools and other fancy stuff. Then there is putty and teraterm, both free ssh-clients with a GUI. And of course you can spend some money for secureCRT if you are up to. For MACs you can use MacSSH. With OSX you should already have the UNIX-tool mentioned above.
last not least: from time to time you should change your password. Log in via ssh and type passwd . You get asked for the old password and then twice for the new one. From then on you have the new one for every access to your account (including mail). Don't share your account with anybody! For every thing that happens to tigress through your account, you are responsible!